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Following an early childhood education policy roundtable earlier this year, Labor is today opening the process to broader input from those interested in developing real reform to our broken child care system.

Labor is building an evidence-based early education policy, focusing on how we can best support Australian children’s development and Australian parents, and invest most successfully for a prosperous future.

Over the next four years, Australia will invest $35 billion in our early education system. By engaging with parents, experts and the early education sector, Labor is working on reforms to better leverage this investment and to give our children the best start in life.

“Labor has always led reform in early education and we will do it again,” Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Development Kate Ellis said.

“We have made clear that we believe parents, children and the child care sector require more than governments just tinkering around the edges. Malcolm Turnbull’s recent changes to early education simply do not address the systemic issues.”

“We should look at bold initiatives to address our broken system. Labor wants to ensure Australia’s early education sector is well placed to meet the needs of Australian children and families.”

A brief discussion paper is available HERE. Submissions close Friday 16 June 2017.

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